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The Benefits of Wrapping Hay

The Benefits of Wrapping Hay

Properly wrapping your hay can yield significant benefits, as improper storage practices may result in spoilage of the outer edges of your round bales. This is crucial to recognize, given that the outer 3 inches of your bale make up 25% of the whole. Let’s examine the...

What are the Benefits of a Tedder?

What are the Benefits of a Tedder?

To ted or not to ted? This seems to be the question. For years, farmers have thought tedding to have a negative impact on the quality of their hay—namely leaf loss. In recent years, though, tedding has become popular again as people understand the benefits it provides...

Key Features of an Esch No-Till Drill

Key Features of an Esch No-Till Drill

Esch No-Till Drills are excellent for food plots, cover crops, and pasture renovations. They provide more yields with better weed suppression with narrow row spacing and the ability to plant a variety of seeds. These drills are available in 5’, 7’ and 12’ widths. Row...

The Maschio Flail Mower: A Cut Above the Rest

The Maschio Flail Mower: A Cut Above the Rest

Designed for compact tractors below 40 HP, the Maschio Weekend Warrior Flail Mower has multiple applications: mowing grass, shredding bushes, and trimming branches and hedges. It comes in two different styles—a fixed flail mower and a hydraulic offset flail mower....

Why Choose a Maschio Square Baler for Your Farm?

Why Choose a Maschio Square Baler for Your Farm?

Are you contemplating the purchase of a square baler? Look no further than the Maschio Pitagora In-Line Baler—a product known for simplicity, sturdiness, and reliability. Proven in several countries and various conditions, this baler has consistently performed, making...

Installing Your Hoop Building

Installing Your Hoop Building

Ackerman’s offers turn-key installation with lead times of 6-10 weeks. This means, after you decide exactly what you want, your work is over. We will work with the manufacturer and the builders from the ordering process to the canvas installation to insure you have a...

Does lighting matter?

Does lighting matter?

The lighting inside a hoop building versus a traditional enclosed building can have significant effects on animals. Let's dig into different lighting conditions and their effects on animals: Hoop Building: Natural Light: Hoop buildings often use natural sunlight as...

Ways to make the most of a Hoop Building

Ways to make the most of a Hoop Building

Hoop buildings offer versatile solutions for a range of agricultural needs. Whether you require equipment storage, hay protection, livestock shelter, or even a space for calving and plant propagation, these structures provide a covered and controlled environment to...

Get Your Assets Out of the Elements in 4 Simple Steps

Get Your Assets Out of the Elements in 4 Simple Steps

Are you tired of watching your valuable assets weather under the harsh elements? Whether it's farming equipment, vehicles, or other valuable possessions, keeping them exposed to the elements can lead to costly damage over time. Fortunately, Ackerman's Equipment offers...

Key Considerations When Buying Used Equipment

Key Considerations When Buying Used Equipment

As seasoned farmers, you understand that having the right equipment is crucial to running a successful and efficient operation. While purchasing brand-new machinery might seem appealing, many farmers are opting for the practicality and affordability of buying used...

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